A Very Special Thanks
To Our Concert Contributors
Coronado Promenade Concerts (CPC) are free thanks to the sponsorships and generous donations from the public. Your contribution, whether business or personal, helps us bring these favorite concerts to beautiful Spreckels Park every summer. See how you can help continue this great Coronado institution please contact [email protected].
Coronado Promenade Concerts, Inc., is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit charity. All gifts are tax-deductible.
Thank you again for supporting Coronado Promenade Concerts. Learn about our Donor Reception.
Concert Angels ($10,000 +)
Arlene Inch, The Auen Foundation,
Stephanie A Petersen
Mary King Ross Circle ($1,000 – $9,999)
Allan & Lyndsey, Arendsee, Bruce & Jane Ash, Berkshire Hathaway Home Services, Mark Bernhardson, Boney’s Bayside Market, Brigantine Family of Restaurants, California American Water, CalPrivate Bank, Sharon & Joe Carney, Wendy & Tom Chestnut, The Clements Group, Coronado Chamber of Commerce, Coronado Fourth of July, Coronado Junior Woman’s Club, Coronado Lions Club, Coronado Luxury Properties, Coronado Premier Properties, Coronado Real Estate Association, Coronado Shores Company, Coronado Times, Coronado Woman’s Club, Del Coronado Realty, John Duncan & Family, Pamela & Craig Eisenberg, Mark Fleming, Rhonda Fleming, Wendy Frampton, Shaina Frey, Todd Fruehauf, Bradley Gerbel, Karen Greenberg & Steve Pittendrigh, Debbie Giometti, Rich & Linda Hascup, Holland’s Bicycles, Ken Hunt, Diane Jolley & Bill Subang, Henry Judd, Stefanie Kammerman & Matthew Bacaro, Kory Kavanewsky, CMG Mortgage, Ken May, Bob McCaffrey, Jacquelyn A McCoy, Lorton Mitchell,Custom Homes, Mark & Samantha O’Brien, Remi & Brett Pieratt, Becci Rocco, Rotary Club of Coronado, Salvador Foundation, Jeffrey D Sanders, SHARP Coronado Hospital, Seashore Properties, Debbie & Pat Starke, The Henry, John & Mary Watson
Big Band Platinum ($500 – $999)
George Baehr, Hayley Beard, Felicia & Ron Bell, Stacy Bell, Caring Traditions, Luigi Cardillo Jr, Lynn Cihak, William & Donna Clarice, Coronado Hardware Glass & Paint, Coronado Vehicle Registration Services, Crestmont Property Mgmt, Crown City Escrow, Crown City Photography-Bill Sandke, Robert & Margaret Eddy, Julia Elassaad, Flagship Properties, Fred Eckert, Apua Garbutt, Pat Gilmore, Ann Goodfellow, High Tide Kitchen & Bottle Shop, Robert & Kelly Hirschhorn, Francine Howard, The Huck Family, Peter & Virginia Jensen, Helen & Sig Kupka, Lobster West, Debbie Losser, Tyler Mathews, Melissa McCune, McKay & Associates, LuAnn Miller, Megan Mouton, Larry & Cindi Pearson, Suzanne Piper, Rancho Ted Real Estate Loans, Douglas W Roberts, Connie & Tim Ryan, Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Shirley Smith, The McCaffery Team, Evelyn Anne Torres, Doug Weisbarth, Michael & Katherine Woiwode, The Ziebarth Family
Promenade Grand Circle ($100 – $499)
Mariane Abbott, Gloria Aberasturi, James Aeling, Cynthia Aguirre, Beth Aiello, Jo Anne Antrim, Ralph & Susan Arnott, Norma & Stephen Ashworth, At Home Realty, Ronald Auerbach, Scott & Wanda Aurich, Bill & Michelle Bailey, Debbie Barber, Jane Barrons, Peter Basile, CAPT. Thomas G. Bauer USNR (RET.), Be Polished, John Bell, Thomas & Vicki Bernitt, The Black Family, Ali Blake, Gary Bolander, Colleen Bolger, Mary Bowlby, Michael Bradshaw, J.W. Brammer JR, William Brock, Bryan & Jennifer Broderick, Gail Ann Brownlow, David Brummitt, Cynthia & Ted Bukowy, John E Burris, Susan Butterfly-Ebert, Ken Canete, Dr & Mrs. Mike & Kay Casey, John & Linda Charles, Millie Chase, Drs Mark & Laura Clapper, Cleanology, Brendan A Cohen, Coronado Firefighters Assoc., Jack & Paula Couture, Jonathan Cox, Crown City Cigars & Fine Tobacco, Crown City Handyman, Crown City Magazine, Johnny & Josie Cushing, Nancy Davidson, Dirk Debbink, Lisa Delasalas, Mike & Christine Donovan, Lori & Jack Doyle, Bob & Linda Duggan, Rob & Kathy Dunlap, Paul & Ginni Dunne, Jana & Keith Earnest, Elite Escrow, David & Kathleen Fairbank, Crystal Farnham, Glover & Kathy Ferguson, Fidelity National Home Warranty, Fidelity National Title, Gerri-Lynn Fives, Dr. Vince & Pat Flynn, Michael Foglia, Evan J Galbo, Abe & Esther Ganz, Bonnie & John Garrett, Deborah Giometti, Martha Kuenhold & Bill Gise, Lisa Givens, Sue Godwin, Dr. & Mrs. S. Gormican, Granite Escrow Services, Bob & Berue Grobe, Bob & Kathryn Grosnoff, Nicole Guibert, Bob Gunthorp, Charles & Cynthia Gustafson, Jenny Gyapay, Bruce A Haas, Peter & Lynn Hamilton, Elizabeth Hammond, Maggie Hannegan, Kathleen Harkins, Jane Harlow, Miles & Kathryn Harvey, MaryKate Harvey, Marvin & Jill Heinze, Jessica Herbert, Alfred Higgs Jr., David Hilfman, Gary Hines, Tim & Nancy Hodges, Dr. & Mrs. Frederick M. Howden, Leonard & Joan Huck, Bobbi Hutchinson, Laura J Ingle, Jeanette C Iwashita, Kathy Jackson, Amy Jamieson, Bruce & Lauri Johnson, Ron Jones, Len & Anne Kaine, Jim Kaufman, Lynn Keeling, Bill & Patti Killea, Kelly Kindorf, Shelly Klessinger, Catherine Kneadler, Lucy Ann Knoche, David and Sue Knop, Ethel Koczon, Amy Kramer, Yvonne Kuhn, Debi Levenson, Leslie Levinson, Dr. Howard & Miriam Limmer, Deb & Bruce Linder, Marilyn Liu, Steven & Deette Loeffler, Ralph & Judy Longfellow, Marc & Shannon Lord, Gayle Lorenc, David & Janice Lowenberg, Chad Lunt, Roger W Lynberg, Anne & Harvey Mabry, Daniel Madariaga, Alec Joseph Manocchio, Robin Martin, William & Deborah Martin, Doreen Martin, Pedro Martinez, Tamara Massie, Jodi Mastro, Karin Mather, Sandra Maxfield, Brian McCormack, Robbie McGarey, Susan & Scott McMillin, Sarah McNaught, McP’s Irish Pub, Thomas & Delta Mercer, Greg L Miller, Tom & Susan Mitchell,James F Morrow, Gerald & Margaret Moss, Steve & Maud Mulvany, Joyce Murphy, Michael Nance, Gloria Nedell, Nelson Riddle Group, Dwight and Barbara Newell, Jim Newhall, Jan Newmark, Jeannette Organ, Sarah O’Leary, J.T. & Laura O’Sullivan, Gail Orozco, Dan Orr, Virginia T Osgood, Pat Palma, Michael Palumbo, Carol Pastor, Mike & Janet Paulovich, Stephen & Donna Petit, Joe Phillipson, Leo & Snapper Pierson, Paul Plumb, Marisa Ponce, Maggie Price & Joel Tobiason, Stephanie Rakowski, Barbara Robinette, Mary Ellen Rogers, Floyd Ross, Lorena Saenz Ruiz, CDR Richard T Sadler (USN Ret), B Sandsmark, Harold Schauer, Jeanne Schnese, Sheila Schwartz, Cathy & Scott Shaw, Bruce Shepherd, Mary Shield, Sara Smerillo, Dr. Gary & Deborah Bell Smith, Rogers Smith, William Speer, Doug St. Denis, Dorothy Stanley, Wayne & Nancy Strickland, Anne Stockdale, Karen Strouse, Patrick Sullivan, Hollace & Daniel Swanson, Raymond & Mary Turcotte, Albert Twesme, Kathy Tyner, Shelley Uyesugi, J.Burton & Pauline Vasche, Susie Vetter, Charles Viane, Mike & Leigh Vizzier, Jeremy Walker, Susan & Scott Wallace, Sibley & Susan Ward, William & Suzanne Ware, Bob Weisman, John & Sara Wells, Emily Wendell, Richard Wilcoxon, David Michael Wilkinson, Norah Wilson, Thomas & Louise Wilson, Nicole Wing, Robert Wisniewski, Barbara & Winston Wood, John & Ruth York, Robert A Zadek, Barry & Barbara Zemel
Concert Supporter ($50-$99)
Teresa Alley, Catherine Askenasy, Gilbert & Lynda Balkam, Stephanie Barnes, James R Beatty, Harry & Nancy Blair, Patricia M Boer, Margaret Brown, Mary Carroll, Emily Casserino, Bonita Chamberlin, Yingmui Chu, Brendan A Cohen, Cindy Collins, David Cornell, Louise Cornick, CDR Larry & Cynthia Croll, USN/RET, Nancy Dalonzo, Ben Dameron Jr., Toni & Ryan Dampier, Lisa Dettmann, Warford Drown, Jay Eichler, Ediz Ertekin, Experience Counts, Edith & Cathal Flynn, Madeline Foglia, Elizabeth Gill, Arden Gillberg, Mary and Robert Griffin, Robert Haidvogel, Heather Hendon, Eileen and William Hennrikus, H. Kirk and Barbara Henry, Alfred Higgs Jr., William A Hoefling III, Carole Hutchins, Tina Vido Jellison, Bonnie Kerr, David Kettenhofen, Long Beach Investments, Kristina Martin, Martin McCullough, Keith Moll, Kae & Harold Myers, Dean F. Nelson, Ann Porter, James A Ray, Jeff Rostomily, Marilyn Schellinger, Katherine Schultz, Geoffrey Selwyn, John & Kitty Sexton, Jason Smith, Kathy & Asher Spittler, Richard Steinacher, Dan’l & Amy Steward, Sandra Tredwell, Anastasia Trent, Christiana ‘Red’ Wagner, Steve & Judy Weil, William S Whaley, Linda & Jim Willkie, Todd Wilson
2024 Donor Reception