Please Keep Our Concerts Safe, Healthy and Clean
Be Considerate. We are very proud to share we have very few rules and ask for your consideration in following them.
Set Up. There is a lot less shade this year. If you would like to set up an umbrella or tent, we suggest placing it on the outside perimeter of the park. Ask yourself, “Would you like to be sitting behind you?”
No Smoking. Coronado parks and beaches are smoke free by law.
No Dogs. Per Coronado Municipal Code, dogs are not allowed in Spreckels Park at any time. However, dogs including emotional support animals, not qualified as service animals under Title II and III of the Americans with Disability Act, may enjoy the concert with their owner, on the grassy strip between the sidewalk and the street surrounding Spreckels Park.
No Solicitations, leafleting or temporary banners are allowed by law. This includes blade and sail banners.
No “Staking Out” or reserving space prior to 3:00 p.m. Unattended personal property in Spreckels Park may be removed.
No Running or Jumping around the stage area. Please stay off the steps of the gazebo.
No Throwing of any objects during set up, concert and take-down period in the park. We ask that play take place at the playground, located in the southwest corner of the park at Seventh Street and C Avenue. Parents, relatives, guardians and caregivers are responsible for the children they bring to our concerts. Please do not allow children to engage in any activity that could harm themselves or others.
No Barbecues. Don’t force others to breathe fumes from your grill.